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雅思口语考试现场,考生会有1分钟时间准备,考官会提供纸币,考生可以记笔记,写提纲。但大部分考生还是会提前准备起来,到了考场上临时发挥几乎不可能。考生在备考期间要训练自己的口语话题反应能力,拿到话题第一反应是构架自己的口语话题思路体系,比如这个话题Describe an important tree or plant in your country.说到本土重要植物,考生要迅速反应到相关植物,种植地区,植物外貌及重要性。








An important plant in your country that you like

what it is

how you knew about it

why it is important

explain why you like it


Sample Answer (Band 6)

The one I’ve chosen to tAlk about is bamboo, which is diffusely planted inthe southern part of China and also commonly seen in other subtropical areas(亚热带).

The first time I knew about this plant, as far as I can remember, was when I was 6 years old. My parents took me to a panda natural reserve (自然保护区) in Sichuan where I saw a picturesque (风景如画的) bamboo forest. You know, pandas mostly feed on bamboo,and that’s how I knew about this plant.

As for why it’s an important plant, well, I once read it somewhere that it could be used to make medicine to cure diseases like coughing, fever and even insomnia, which makes it very valuable. Also, it has become a new material to make a wide range of things, including fabrics and paper, which is more environmentally friendly(环保的) and can remove unpleasant smells (除臭).

But the main reason why I like bamboo is that in traditional Chinese culture, bamboo is a symbol of (是什么的象征) some great virtues like persistence and perseverance(坚持不懈), integrity and honesty (正直诚实), which I consider as the greatest qualities of a person.

Sample Answer (Band 7)

The one I’ve chosen to talk about is called mimosa (含羞草), also known as sleepy plant, which is diffusely plantedin (广泛种植于) the southern part of China and also commonly seen inother tropical areas.

The first time I knew about this plant, as far as I can remember, was when I was 6 years old. You know, my grandmother is an expert at (是某方面的专家) gardening, and she had all kinds of potted plants(盆栽) on her balcony. One day, I accidentally touched the leaflets of a potted mimosa. Then what happened next shocked me: the leaflets closed! I had never seen anything like it before and I was totally blown away (感到震惊)! Then my grandma explained to me that whenever stimulated in some ways, such as touching, warming, blowing or shaking, the foliage would fold inwards as a response. Because of this, it could serve as a tool to predict weather(预测天气). And that’s one of the reasons why I like this plant.

As for why it’s an important plant, well, I once read it somewhere that some of the chemicals in mimosa could be used to make medicine to cure diseases like coughing, fever and could even prevent insomnia, which makes it very valuable.

【雅思口语】雅思口语新题之重要植物important plant解题思路

Important Plant

Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:

Where you see it

What it look like

Why it is important







What is the main plant in your country?

How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Do old people grow plants?

Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?






Ok then. well after a bit of thought. I've decided to talk to you about bamboo. However, I honestly don't know if I'm gonna be able to talk for two minutes about it, but I'll give it a try!


So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I can't really remember exactly how I first got to know about it, you know, it could have been in a biology class at school, or when I was out somewhere with my parents, but my guess would be that I probably first knew about it at primary school, because that was about the time when we first started learning about things like that.


Anyway, moving on to why bamboo is important, well I'd say it's pretty important for a number of reasons, the main one of which would be that it can be used to make so many different things, you know, such as chopsticks, chopping boards, flooring, what yeah, and musical instruments, like the bamboo flute for example.


And another thing to mention is that bamboo is also used a lot for carrying stuff. For example, what I've seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end, because as well as being strong, it's also very flexible, so it won't break, even with very heavy loads.



雅思口语考试分为三个部分,被各方神圣称为part、section、stage or phase。不论叫什么,内容是一样的。

我们先来普及一下最基本的流程常识。考生进入考试室,根据考官要求递上身份证,考官核对考生身份,之后考试正式开始。第一部分中,考官问,考生答,若干问题后进入第二部分。雅思小编还是要提醒大家注意总结雅思口语万能模板,参考一下雅思口语话题答案的内容,这样在考试中大家才有的说。在第二部分中,考官给考生一个题目(cue card)、笔、纸以及一分钟的准备时间,时间到后考生开始就所给题目发表为时2分钟左右的speech/monologue,期间考官不会和考生互动。时间到后,考官会问几个与考生speech紧密关联的问题,然后过渡到第三部分。第三部分中,考官与考生会就考官提出的问题进行讨论,当考官说“This is the end of the test。”的时候,考试结束。整个考试过程总体控制在11至14分钟之间。之后考生起身离开考试室。



大家都知道考官有个录音机(笔),在他/她核对了我们的身份之后,他们会打开录音机,并说一句标明录音内容的话,比如“Interviewee Wu MengQiQi,ID number 123456789011111”,然后他/她就开始第一部分的问答了。其实考官对我们的评估在他/她见到我们的那一刻就开始了,不论是他们开门来招呼坐在门口等的我们,还是我们推门进去问候坐在桌子后面的他们,这见面的第一刹那就是我们雅思口试真正开始的时间!

等待时,度分如年,考试时,时光飞逝。一转眼,听到对面的考官对着他/她的录音设备说“This is the end of the test。”,我们如释重负。可是,亲爱的们,我们在这个时候还是处于考官的视线中,还是必须对考官的各种行为(提问、道别、祝福等)给予反应,所以,直到我们走出考试室,轻轻关上那扇我们之前等待的时候注视许久的门,这一刻,才是考官对我们评价结束的时刻!





