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小强英语 第113期:"apples and oranges"是"苹果和橘子"吗?

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两码事,截然不同---apples and oranges

Hello, everyone! 欢迎大家来到小强英语!这期我们再来学习一个关于"apple"的短语——"apples and oranges".不过它可不是简单地指“苹果和橘子”。我们都知道苹果和橘子是两样不同的水果,所以"apples and oranges"可引申为“两码事,截然不同”。This idiom is used to describe a situation in which two people or things are completely different.我们来看一下例句

It's unnecessary to argue whether American culture is better than Chinese culture. This is comparing apples and oranges as they have their own strengths.

I don't understand why people always mistake Mary and Anna. They really are apples and oranges.

小强英语 第113期:"apples and oranges"是"苹果和橘子"吗?

如果要把两样截然不同的东西作比较,我们就可以用到"apples and oranges"这个习语。好了,本期的节目到此结束,我们下期再会。与小强互动,请关注新浪微博@小强英语!
