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PANAMA CITY — On July 8, 2009, the Champagne finAlly flowed.



After an intense two-year competition, a consortium led by a Spanish company in severe financial distress learned that its rock-bottom bid of $3.1 billion had won the worldwide competition to build a new set of locks for the historic Panama Canal.


The unlikely victors toasted their win. Within days, executives of the four-nation consortium, Grupo Unidos por el Canal, flew to Europe to begin planning the project.

出人意料的胜利令他们欢呼雀跃。几天之内,这个名为“运河联合集团”(Grupo Unidos por el Canal)的四国财团的高管就飞到欧洲,着手筹划这个项目。

Disputes quickly erupted over how to divide responsibilities. Some executives appeared not to fully grasp how little money they had to complete a complex project with a tight deadline and a multicultural team whose members did not always see things the same way.


Internal arguments soon gave way to bigger problems. There would be work stoppages, porous concrete, a risk of earthquakes and at least $3.4 billion in disputed costs: more than the budget for the entire project.


Seven years later, and nearly two years late, the locks have finally been declared ready to accept the new generation of giant ships that carry much of the world’s cargo but cannot fit in the original canal. To mark the occasion, Panama has invited 70 heads of state to watch on Sunday as a Chinese container ship becomes the first commercial vessel to attempt the passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific through the larger locks.


For more than 100 years, the canal has been a vital artery nourishing the world economy, a testament to American engineering and one of the signature public works of the 20th century. The new locks, built by Panama without help from other governments, were sold to the nation and the world as a way to ensure that the canal remained as much of a lifeline in the hyperglobalized 21st century as it was in the last.


But the expanded canal’s future is cloudy at best, its safety, quality of construction and economic viability in doubt, an investigation by The New York Times has found.


In simple terms, to be successful, the new canal needs enough water, durable concrete and locks big enough to safely accommodate the larger ships. On all three counts, it has failed to meet expectations, according to dozens of interviews with contractors, canal workers, maritime experts and diplomats, as well as a review of public and internal records.


The low winning bid, $1 billion less than the nearest competitor’s, made “a technically complex mega-project” precarious from the outset, according to a confidential analysis commissioned by the consortium’s insurer. “There is little room in the budget for execution errors or significant inefficiencies,” the analysts, from Hill International, wrote in 2010, adding, “This is a high-risk situation.”

中标价格很低,比第二低的竞标对手低10亿美元。该财团的保险公司委托开展的一份机密分析显示,这样的低价使得“一个技术上很复杂的巨型项目”从一开始就岌岌可危。“预算中几乎没有为执行错误或效率严重偏低留下任何余地,”希尔国际(Hill International)的分析师在2010年写道,“这样的情况风险很高。”

Among the biggest risks is the concrete that lines the walls of the six mammoth locks punctuating the path between the seas.


Then there is the lock design. Tugboat captains say they cannot safely escort the larger ships because the locks are too small with too little margin for error, especially in windy conditions and tricky currents. In fact, in a feasibility study obtained by The Times, the Panama Canal Authority had earlier concluded that the tugs needed significantly more room.

然后是水闸的设计。一些拖轮船长说,他们无法安全地护送更大的船,因为水闸太小,几乎没有留下出错的余地,尤其是在风大、水流险恶的情况下。事实上,在《纽约时报》看到可行性研究报告之前,巴拿马运河管理局(Panama Canal Authority)早前就曾得出结论,拖轮需要远远更大的空间。

The tugboats themselves are a problem, especially the 14 new boats purchased from a Spanish company. To maneuver safely, they must be precisely controlled, but according to captains, they are so unstable that they operate best going backward, something that cannot be done while towing ships through the canal.


“The Spanish tugs are perfectly awful,” said Iván de la Guardia, the head of the tugboat captains’ union. Confidential documents obtained by The Times show that the canal authority bought the tugboats for $158 million from a company later represented by the son of Jorge L. Quijano, the canal’s administrator.

“西班牙的拖轮非常糟糕,”拖轮船长工会的负责人伊万·德拉瓜迪亚(Iván de la Guardia)说。《纽约时报》获得的机密文件显示,运河管理局以1.58亿美元的价格购买了这些拖轮,运河管理者豪尔赫·L·基哈诺(Jorge L. Quijano)的儿子后来成了那家销售拖轮的公司的代表。

The new locks exist for one reason: so that huge “neo-Panamax” ships can move far greater quantities of cargo through the canal. For them to do that, the waterway must remain deep enough so that fully laden ships do not hit bottom. But canal officials discounted warnings that they needed new sources of water, and during a recent drought, shippers had to significantly lighten their loads.


At the center of the story is the Panama Canal Authority, which oversaw the design of the new locks and chose the winning bidder. In a small country dominated by an old-money elite, where the very lifeblood is the canal, the authority is a power center unto itself, a government within a government.


The Old and the New


Grand in scale and beautifully imagined, the original Panama Canal is an engineering marvel. Ships glide through on a 50-mile water bridge. The lock gates, some weighing more than 700 tons, are watertight and buoyant, so finely balanced that should the power fail, a single person can manually open and close them.


Three locks raise the ships 85 feet to Gatun Lake, which supplies water for the canal and drinking water for much of the country. Three more locks lower them back to sea level. All of the locks are filled and emptied by gravity, without pumps.


Over the decades, the canal made Panama, with few natural resources, a key square on the economic chessboard.


Then China’s economic ascent ushered in a new era. Ships became bigger. The more cargo they carried, the lower the cost. By 2000, ships were being built that could not pass through the canal. Fearing that its waterway might end up like the long-outdated Erie Canal, the canal authority set out to build a bigger one.

之后,中国经济崛起引领一个新时代到来。船体变得更大。单艘船运载的货物越多,总成本就越低。至2000年,建造中的船只已经大到无法通过这条运河。因为担心这条航道落得和早已过时的伊利运河(Erie Canal)一样,运河管理局打算建一条更大的运河。

Just as it was about to solicit bids, the canal authority received some frightening news in November 2007. Jonathan Harris, a geologist working for the authority, reported that Panama’s earthquake risk was far greater than previously believed. By his assessment, the area is vulnerable to earthquakes of up to 8.0 magnitude, according to a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

就在即将开始招标之际,运河管理局于2007年11月听到了一些骇人的消息。为管理局工作的地质学家乔纳森·哈里斯(Jonathan Harris)提出,巴拿马发生地震的风险比此前想象的要大得多。维基解密(WikiLeaks)公开的一封外交电报显示,乔纳森估计这一地区有可能发生高达8级的地震。

Even so, three consortiums — including one led by Bechtel, a U.S. company with an international reputation for taking on big, difficult projects — pursued the contract. The financially weakest consortium was led by a Spanish company, Sacyr Vallehermoso, which U.S. officials called “nearly bankrupt” in one cable and “technically bankrupt” in another.

尽管如此,依然有三家财团——包括由柏克德(Bechtel)领导的一个,这家美国公司在国际上拥有承担有难度的大型项目的声誉——开始争取这个合同。其中财力最弱的是由西班牙公司萨维(Sacyr Vallehermoso)领导的财团。美国官员在一封电报中称这家公司“几近破产”,在另一封中表示它“严格说来已经破产”。

Sacyr’s consortium included a Panamanian company owned by the family of the canal administrator at the time, Alberto Alemán Zubieta. The company, Constructora Urbana, in which Alemán himself previously owned stock, had already done millions of dollars in business with the canal. The other two members were Impregilo, a large Italian contractor, and Jan De Nul, a Belgian company that specializes in dredging and excavation.

萨维领导的财团包括由当时的运河管理局局长阿尔贝托·阿莱曼·苏维塔(Alberto Alemán Zubieta)的家族拥有的一家巴拿马公司。这家名为城镇建造(Constructora Urbana)的公司此前已经与运河管理局做了数百万美元的生意。阿莱曼本人原先也持有公司的股票。财团另外两个成员是意大利大型承包公司英波基洛(Impregilo)和专做疏浚和挖掘工程的比利时公司Jan De Nul。

In March 2009, after 15 months of contentious negotiations, the three consortiums submitted their sealed bids. The one with the best price and design would win.


That July, the result was a shocker: The underdog Sacyr group had won.


Bechtel and U.S. diplomats were incredulous. Sacyr could not even “pour the concrete” for that amount, a Bechtel representative told the embassy, according to a diplomatic cable.


While Sacyr’s low offer meant Panama received a bargain on price, some viewed it as too good to be true.


A few days after Christmas in 2009, at lunch with Barbara J. Stephenson, the U.S. ambassador, Panama’s vice president, Juan Carlos Varela, confided his fears. He elaborated later: “You don’t mess around with something as important as the canal. When one of the bidders makes a bid that is a billion dollars below the next competitor, then something is seriously wrong,” he said, according to a diplomatic cable.

2009年圣诞节过去几天后,在与美国大使芭芭拉·J·斯蒂芬森(Barbara J. Stephenson)共进午餐时,巴拿马副总统胡安·卡洛斯·巴雷拉(Juan Carlos Varela)吐露了他的担忧。一封外交电报显示,他随后进行了详细解释:“对于运河这么重要的东西,是不能乱来的。其中一名竞标者提出比其他竞标者低10亿美元的报价,这是非常不对劲的。”