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Fosun, the private conglomerate run by the man dubbed “China’s Warren Buffett”, has taken a big step into the European real estate market by signing a joint venture deal with UK-based asset manager Resolution Property.

掌门人有“中国巴菲特”之称的民营企业集团复星(Fosun)与英国地产基金管理公司Resolution Property签署了一份合资协议,从而向进军欧洲房地产市场迈出了一大步。

The deal is the latest evidence that Fosun, which owns companies in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and mining to media and holidays, has embarked on a big international expansion.



Led by Guo Guangchang, Fosun last month signed a joint venture deal with British travel company Thomas Cook, selling holidays to Fosun’s Chinese Club Med resorts and a number of Chinese hotels selected by Thomas Cook.

由郭广昌执掌的复星,上月与英国旅游公司托马斯錠克(Thomas Cook)签署合资协议,销售复星的中国Club Med度假村、以及托马斯錠克精选的一批中国酒店的假日旅游服务。

In April it partnered private equity investor TPG Capital to buy circus and entertainment company Cirque du Soleil.

今年4月,复星联手私募股权投资者德太集团(TPG Capital),收购了马戏团及娱乐公司——太阳马戏团(Cirque du Soleil)。

And in May it bought Bermuda-based insurer Ironshore.


Fosun’s activity is part of a wider trend of Chinese companies investing in Europe. In a number of deals over recent months, several large Chinese groups have bought second and third tier European financial services companies.


Xu Xiaoliang, Fosun Group vice-president, said the Resolution deal marked “a significant step in Fosun’s global approach”.


“We have focused on finding experienced and professional overseas investment and management platforms as our priority,” he said. Fosun was “building up global investment capacity”.


Fosun’s debut UK property deal came in 2013 when it acquired Lloyds Chambers in the City of London, and it stepped into the US in the same year, buying 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza in New York.

复星的首笔英国房地产交易是在2013年完成的,当时它买下了伦敦金融城的Lloyds Chambers大楼,同年复星还进军美国,买下纽约摩天大楼——大通曼哈顿广场一号(One Chase Manhattan Plaza)。