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Millions of Brits are 'too busy' to be healthy, a study has found. A poll of 2,000 adults found more than half want to eat healthily and get plenty of exercise - but are hindered by their hectic lifestyles.

Two thirds admit they often eat 'badly' because they don't have the time to prepare nutritious food. And 75 per cent revealed they skip meals entirely for the same reason. It also emerged, three quarters have avoided going to the gym because they have been too rushed off their feet.


In fact, more than one fifth have cancelled memberships altogether because they have been too busy to attend sessions. Commissioned by healthy recipe box company, Mindful Chef, the research found two thirds are worried about the impact their hectic lifestyle could be having on their health.
事实上,五分之一以上的人取消了会员卡,因为他们已经忙到没时间上课了。受Mindful Chef(一家健康食谱盒公司)委托,该研究发现:三分之二的人担心他们的忙碌生活可能会对自身健康造成影响。

Giles Humphries, co-founder of Mindful Chef, said: "Whilst the importance of a healthy diet is becoming increasingly recognised, it's clear a huge proportion of us need more help to achieve a healthy lifestyle."
Mindful Chef的联合创始人贾尔斯·汉弗莱斯说道:"虽然人们越来越意识到健康饮食的重要性,但我们很多人都需要更多的帮助才能实现这种健康的生活方式。"

The research also found one third don't have the time to plan ahead to ensure they eat healthy dinners throughout the week. Amid this, six in 10 said they find it difficult to find recipes which inspire them to eat more nutritious meals.

When those polled do find the time to buy food from supermarkets, 68 per cent said they choose unhealthy meals because they believe it is quicker to prepare. And half have skipped breakfast, lunch or dinner when they haven't had enough time to do a food shop.

Incredibly, those surveyed said they typically skip mealtimes a whopping 136 times a year in total as a result of their chock-a-block lifestyles. Giles Humphries added: "Our research found of those who have tried a recipe box, eight in 10 said it made eating healthily easier.

"We think this shows a healthy lifestyle is possible - even for the large chunk of us who lead incredibly busy lives."


  • 1韩语每日一说:正如没有食欲的饮食有害健康一样,没有热情相伴的学习对记忆有害。
  • 2每日一句口语 第746期:有时候我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上,忘记了去哪
  • 3你为啥没成百万富翁的7大原因
  • 4韩语每日一句:不要害怕,因为什么都还没有开始;不要气馁,因为什么都不会结束;不要担心,因为你并没有落后;不要着急,因为现在才是开始。
  • 5因为,没有因为......1200字
  • 6不健康心理形成原因
  • 7为了牙齿健康,不应该吃的三种食物
  • 8韩语每日一说:基本上人生所有的不幸都是因为想错了和自己有关的事情而导致的,健康地去判断一件事情是幸福的开始。
  • 9每日一句口语 第1243期:有时候我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上忘记了去哪
  • 10有时,并不是因为爱
  • 11为了牙齿健康,不应该吃的三种食物大纲
  • 12因为他们是兄弟
  • 13最爱的美食健不健康呢 看营养学家怎么说
  • 14午睡有益健康的原因
  • 15韩语每日一句:基本上人生所有的不幸都是因为想错了和自己有关的事情而导致的,健康地去判断一件事情是幸福的开始。
  • 16韩语每日一句:正如没有食欲的饮食有害健康一样,没有热情相伴的学习对记忆有害。
  • 17韩语每日一句:你没有必要为了不管你如何努力都没有进展的关系而努力,因为那个人是不会改变的。
  • 18时尚双语:世界上最健康的百种食物
  • 19英语每日一说:有些鸟儿是关不住的,因为他们的羽翼太耀眼。——《肖申克的救赎》
  • 20每日一句口语 第1893期:有时候,哭泣并不是因为软弱,而是因为坚强了太久