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今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:bread and butter。Bread是面包的意思,butter是黄油的意思,面包和黄油都是西方人经常吃的东西; bread and butter连在一起在英语里就是生计,主要收入来源的意思。

我前两天刚刚跟美国习惯用语的作者之一Steve出去吃饭。对他来说,帮我们做节目只是兼职,并不是他的bread and butter,教外国学生学英语才是他的bread and butter. 让我们听听下面这个人邻居的bread and butter是什么。

例句-1:When I saw my neighbor Katie's artwork at a gallery, I was amazed by her talent. I assumed that painting was her bread and butter. But she told me that it's only a hobby; she couldn't live on the money she makes from the paintings she sells.


我有个表哥,从小就喜欢雕塑。有一次我过生日,他送给我一件自己的作品。我以为是一棵树,但他告诉我说,那是我在跳舞。不用说,雕塑始终也没有成为他的bread and butter.

我们刚才说bread and butter是指一个人的主要收入来源。其实,bread and butter还可以指一种工作或一个行业的基本业务。比如说农民,他们大部分时间都在耕种和收获。这就是他们工作的bread and butter. 让我们看看下面这家汽车制造厂。

例句-2:After poor sales of our economy cars, our company decided to focus once again on producing luxury vehicles. After all, it's those models that have always been the foundation of our business. They're our bread and butter.


美国著名大公司的核心产品我想大家都知道。比如说Starbucks, 星巴克的主打商品是咖啡。再比如Apple,苹果公司是生产电脑的,这些都是它们的bread and butter.

我星期天要去看芭蕾舞,剧目是天鹅湖,是这家芭蕾舞团的看家剧目,也就是他们的bread and butter. 我简直等不及了。


今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:come down on like a ton of bricks。Ton,是一吨两吨的吨; brick,是砖头的意思。A ton of bricks一吨重的砖头砸下来,想想都让人不寒而栗。Come down on like a ton of bricks,这个习惯用语的意思就是严厉惩罚的意思。

大学刚毕业的时候,我干过一段时间的导游。我们经理最不能忍受的就是员工迟到。有一次,一个同事因为没赶上车来晚了,经理根本不听她的解释,当场就把她开除了,He came down on her like a ton of bricks. 没错。 当时的情况就是这样。

我们经常看到美国电影里有训练新兵的片段,当兵的除了"Yes, Sir!"和"No, Sir!"以外,好像什么也不能说。对于下面这个军人来说,新兵连里的生活至今还历历在目。

例句-1:After enlisting in the army, I didn't know if I'd survive basic training. My sergeant was really strict. Anytime one of us in the platoon made the slightest mistake, he'd come down on us like a ton of bricks. He thought by disciplining us in such a severe way, we'd become better soldiers.



我原来有一个同学,父亲管得特别严,考试只要考不到全班前三名,回家就会受罚。Her father would come down on her like a ton of bricks. 除了老板、长官、和家长外,还有什么人会如此严厉呢。我们来听听下面这个男孩子是怎么说的。

例句-2:I really disliked my fifth grade teacher. She used to come down on me like a ton of bricks. Once I was sent to the principal's office just for chewing gum in class. I couldn't wait to finish that school year!


听起来,这个老师确实够厉害。在美国,老师是不能对学生进行体罚的。大多数学校甚至明令禁止老师碰学生,因为以前出过不少家长告老师虐待孩子的情况。因此,学校都不希望有律师coming down on them like a ton of bricks.