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关于我国高考英语比例的降低On Lowering the Percentage of English in Chinese College Entrance Examination

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Recently, the news that English will occupy less percentage in Chinese traditional college-entrance examination in the following years has aroused a heated discussion among the public, especially among students.

关于我国高考英语比例的降低On Lowering the Percentage of English in Chinese College-Entrance Examination
最近,有消息称我国高考将在近几年内降低英语所占分值,这一消息在广大众们中引起了热烈讨论,尤其是在学生中间。There are two different views towards the news. On the one hand, those students who consider learning English as a boring and difficult task and those who are not good at learning English sing high praise of it, because the lower percentage of English will narrow their gap with those who can get higher score in English. In other words, the lower of percentage of English makes it more possible for them to reach better colleges or universities. However, on the opposite side, those who do well in learning English will feel disappointed as their advantage will be lowered if the percentage of English is lowered. 对此消息有两种不同的看法。一是,那些认为英语很难学很枯燥或是讨厌学英语的学生对此消息表示很支持, 因为英语分值的降低会缩小他们跟那些擅长英语学习的学生之间的差距。这也意味着他们有更大机会考上好的大学。然而,相反的,如果高考降低英语分值,那些英语成绩好的学生会感到失落,因为他们将会失去优势。As far as I am concerned, in a long term, the lower percentage of English in college-entrance examination is not good for the overall development of students, it is not good for improving the whole nation’s English, and is not good for communication with foreign countries. In a word, examination is a great motivation for second-language learners, and there is no doubt that the lower percentage of English in Chinese traditional college-entrance examination will bring some further negative impact to students.在我看来,从长远来看降低高考中英语的比重不利于学生的全面发展,不利于提高本国国民的英语水平,不利于与海外国家的交流。总之,考试对于第二语言的学习者来说是个很好的激励,毫无疑问高考英语比重的降低将对学生产生负面影响。


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