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嗯,如果要问中国现代年轻人,最想去什么公司,估计十有八九都想去BAT(Baidu, Alibaba, Tecent)三家吧。

 短短十多年,成为新的行业巨头,制造了新的消费、金融和社交方式,连老外都忍不住鼓掌,对中国商业发展叹为观止。 诺,这不,外媒已经开始集体研究这些公司大佬成功的秘密。 国外老牌《企业家》杂志( Enterpreneur) 最近就专门发了篇文章,叫: How Jack Ma's 'Crazy' Management Style Built a Technology Empire
  整篇文章并没有从商业战略、科技发展历程来讲述阿里巴巴是如何成为今天这种体量的商业帝国, 而是以比较独特的视角,讲了马云一直秉持的4条职业准则,如何在这个大时代中找到自己位置的。 从这个角度来说,这对于所有职场人都有借鉴意义。 文章最开始引用了英国19世纪大文豪吉普林当时对未来世界的设想,说: East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.
哦,东方是东方,西方是西方,两者永远不会相遇。 --Rudyard Kipling
---鲁德亚德·吉卜林 并说:阿里等企业的崛起对于连接世界有重要意义,并将吉普林等老式文豪们的固有观念衬托得非常迂腐而可笑。 

More than 100 years ago, Rudyard Kipling wrote those words before the world had shrunk back into a new Pangaea, reconnected by fiber-optic lines, global-supply chain networks and global brands.



Alibaba and its kinetic leader Jack Ma have blended the best of Western and Chinese technologies, culture and management to create the world’s largest ecommerce company and perhaps soon to be biggest and most diversified global technology enterprise.



It also made Jack Ma one of the most wealthy men in the world with a net worth of more than $18 billion.


 那么,马云是如何从杭州一名教师,成为“疯狂的马”,在15年间建立起这个商业帝国呢? 以下就是该杂志精心总结出的马云所坚持的4大职业准则,并认为正是这些信念,帮助马云一飞冲天。
# 准则1 Be like Forrest Gump


Jack Ma relates to the naive innocence with which the character Forrrest Gump approaches life.



Ma watches his favorite film Forrest Gump over and over and over again. Indeed Ma never let himself get down, even when he made $15 a month as a teacher while supplementing his income peddling on the street.



Nor did he become discouraged when KFC, a hotel and the police turned him down for jobs. He kept on believing that if someone sticks to his principles and works hard, anything was possible.



Like Forest Gump, Ma has always seen the world and its possibilities almost as if through the eyes of a child, believing technology could be magic and life truly a box of chocolates -- but one that a person never knows what he will get inside.

# 准则2  Innovate on the shoulders of giants


Ma has consistently understood that  innovation is not always synonymous with invention.



Like Steve Jobs, who did not invent the digital music player, and Bill Gates, who did not invent computer operation systems, Ma built his most successful properties on the foundations of what came before.



For example eBay had long been established as the largest and most successful consumer-to-consumer ecommerce site in the world when Ma launched Taobao.



What Ma did was adapt the concept specifically for China, knowing that culture, history, philosophy and mind-set were as important to success as functionality.



That is why he included a real-time chat function on Taobao, so that buyers and sellers could build a relationship and trust and negotiate in real time. In China every transaction is personal.

# 准则3  Soar with eagles


Jack Ma has surrounded himself with the smartest and most capable and innovative executives and managers he could find.



He never believed that he was an expert at everything and that as a founder he had earned the right to micromanage every aspect of his business.



At a time when it was very unusual, Ma was open to bringing in foreign executives to further his goal of blending East and West.

He also befriended Jerry Yang, co-founder of Yahoo, and Masayoshi Son, chairman of Japanese telecom giant Softbank. Both were early investors in Alibaba and helped the company grow more quickly.
04# 准则4  Take your business but not yourself seriously
Ma has worked hard from Day 1 to build a unique culture at Alibaba.这听起来有点老生常谈,是旧式的管理说法,但这的确是阿里巴巴成功的关键因素之一。
Yes that sounds like a cliché and old-fashioned management-speak, but it has proved to be one of the most important factors in Alibaba’s success.马云营造出一种有参与感、有融合性,有趣的文化。马云本人就有很旺盛的能量、坦率,有趣,富有人格魅力。
Ma has built a culture of participation, inclusion and fun. He exhibits high energy and is outspoken, fun loving and charming.他努力让每个员工的特质成为公司特质。常常和员工一起唱K,带15000多名员工一起出去玩,对管理层讲话时穿奇装异服。
He has ensured that all those personal traits have become company traits and is well known for singing karaoke with employees, holding company retreats for 15,000 and dressing in outlandish outfits when addressing management. 马云创造出一种氛围,以至于阿里巴巴员工认为他身上既有父亲形象,也是非常会鼓舞人心的精神领袖,甚至有乐队领袖的特质。
He has created an atmosphere such that Alibaba employees treat him like a combination of father figure, inspirational guru and band leader.所以,他手下的管理人员、经理和员工都挺忠诚,一直追随他,而且工作也很努力。
The result is a super loyal, hardworking group of executives, managers and employees who would follow Ma to the ends of the Earth.嗯,以上就是《企业家》杂志总结的马云所坚持的4条职业黄金准则。不知道,这对你有没有启发呢?(本文首发于沪江商务英语公众号,扫码关注,即可获取更多商务英语资讯。转载请“沪江商务英语”后台联系!)