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宿舍保持和谐关系的最佳方法The Best way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in the Dormitory

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There is no doubt that it isvery important to keep a harmonious relationship with our roommates since wespend most of time in the dorms as college ver, as to the best way to form strong ties with our roommates,different people have different opinions. Some insist on increasedparticipation in the group activities. Still others argue for keeping nosecrets between each other. In my opinion, enhancing communication is the bestway to maintain a good relationship with our roommates.

宿舍保持和谐关系的最佳方法The Best way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in the Dormitory


My suggestion lies in the following two the one hand, if we frequently exchange ideas we can know our roommatesbetter in terms of their habits, merits, demerits and so on, so that we canavoid frictions and conflicts with them. For example, one of our roommates is anight owl and she may as least make no stir as bedtime if she doesn’t change herhabit of staying up late after we talked with her peacefully rather thanquarreled with her. On the other hand, the more communication of thought, themore intimacy between the roommates there will be. By sharing happiness andsorrow we get closer to each other.


In a word, strengthening the communicationsbetween roommates conduces to a harmonious relationship. I believe that it isthe soundest approach to keep us on intimate terms. Therefore, it is high timethat we frequently exchange ideas with our roommates.



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